Spirit Research

We Are Free


Freedom is a precious state in which to live. It opens doors to endless possibilities of creation and achievement in life. It must be preserved like a small flame in the winds of arrogance and misused power always at the ready to extinguish it. Cherishing freedom is the basis of living in your deepest truth in all things. Making choices and decisions motivated by and based on inner truth, never the winds stirred up by others.

The flame of freedom burns within the human heart.

Why Choose


Life is moving so fast, time seems like a runaway freight train. There is so much to do, so many distracting things around us. Why bother to choose — why not just go with the flow, drift along with the momentum? This drifting, as easy as it may appear in our overwhelming reality constitutes and leads to a loss of self. All personal inner awareness fades into unattainable depths as our consciousness is swept along by outer events and our inner awareness slowly freezes and fades from view. This is a recipe for death and disaster.

The goal of life is to live with integrity — to live in alignment with our deepest inner self which eventually opens into God–consciousness. This state is attained by choosing, again and again based on our inner truth and with little reference to the outer cacophany flowing in the river of doubt. Choosing is the way toward living in truth and is what sustains us in continuing to live in our truth. It is the way out of vapid living and the suffering it brings. The knawing loneliness opens us up to grave consequences in this life expression and in what we must face in time.

Choosing is vital in life. It takes us to the surface where we can breathe again and see the Sun and stars in the firmament.

Choose or stagnate.

The Consequences Of Choice


Choice is taken for granted among people who are free of tyranny. Choice is required to learn in life. This is a result of our having free will as human beings. Free will is another area of our lives which goes unappreciated. It is the foundation for learning in a dualistic reality. We use it to learn through our free will choices. One of these choices has created great struggles in our ever–increasingly complex way of life. Our choice as a people to believe in technology at the expense of believing in self, life and God has served to disconnect us from the depths of wisdom attained by our forbears and what they have left us.

The primary difficulty in this disconnect from wisdom and our inner awarenss of self is to become lost, feeling isolated and alone. Loneliness is the direct result and is the epidemic which sickens us in western democracies. This leads to no end of trouble along a path of rising tyranny on the way to totalitarianism. This is the loss of choice and freedom, a beautiful state which we abrogated by dabbling in technology.

Enough, if we created this with defaulting in our responsibility to remain true to ourselves and allowing everything to slip away while chasing an illusion, technology, think of what is possible if we begin to consciously choose and make choices based on what we find within our deepest selves: our deepest inner turth.

Choosing a a fake dream got us here. Choosing from within our inner truth can lift us out.

Manifesting Power


Manifesting power is the conundrum of the day. What does this mean? How is it possible or feasable? What is power, anyway? These questions seem to be a constant source of experimentation and novel attempts by a great many people in our U.S. populace. Lets start with a simple premise: power is the ability to choose. So what's the big deal? Choose and then patiently observe the results, the consequences of the choice. This requires tracking and careful attention. Then what of choosing? Choosing is how we navigate in life. This leads to another premise: the context of choice and choosing illuminates the potential for power. Choosing based on greed or avarice is illusory in its effectiveness — it leads to personal devolution. Choosing in the context of personal truth is maximally effective in life. Inner truth, free of delusion and glamour, found by deep feeling within self.

This is the clue to manifesting power. Real power, not the showy glamourous power we are schooled in in our youth. Power is manifested in making choices and decisions in the context of your deepest inner truth. The deeper you can penetrate, the greater the effectiveness of your choices and the manifestation of power. This is not power over others but the power of integrity and deep alignment with self, and eventually with God.

The motives for manifesting or exercising power must all spring from your deep inner truth in life. Anything short of this is bound to fail in the long run. Why waste your energies sprinting up into the grandstands when you can run on the track, the track of your personal path in life as defined by your deepest inner truth.

Manifesting power is not what it seems based on our acculturation in the U.S. It arises from inner knowing of self, beyond delusion, in the clear light of reality.

The Power Of Love


It is often said that love is the greatest power on earth, in our lives. And yet, our understandings of what power is has long been that it is force used on others to make way for human willfullness, for the furtherance of human free will. Love does not seem to show up in this current, widely accepted western formualtion of power and its use.

So what is love and what is the power of love? If we can begin with the premise that God is love and that all that is in this creation is God's energy expressed in myriads of forms, then we and all of creation are vibrations of love. From here, then what does the power of love point us to? The thread that this points to begins with the receptive. The active and receptive polarities are everywhere present in this reality of duality. They arise mutually, never one without the other. Our personalities have these polarities in their foundational structure. It is required in a world of duality.

The active polarity is the doingness of our lives: making things happen according to our free will choices. This is where the western idea of power operates. The opposite polarity is the receptive which is usually dismissed as weak, ineffectual, useless and of little value. This is the field in which the power of love is found. The power of the receptive is evidenced in states such as feeling, intuiting, knowing, visioning, spirit awareness and spirit work. The active activities rest in the cradle of human mental perception. The action of the receptive goes beyond the limitations of the human mind. And this is where we look to observe the power of love in action.

The power of love is easily observed in its affects on consciousness in self and in its effects in the world around us. One of the difficulties in actualy witnessing this is the perceptual blocks based on our beliefs, habits and early education. To step aside from these limits requires deep feeling which navigates you into a space of neutrality where vision can be relied on to show the truth. And what is love, anyway? Start with receiving life — taking everything in with no objection, criticism, judging, filtering, free of the affects of likes and dislikes. Things within which don't like what you're receiving will arise in the face of the receiving and they can be cleared as they arise. This is clearing hygiene in action. Quietly observe the affects of this on self and/or the effects observed or felt in the environment, including others.

Receiving others, life and even self opens a door to the power of love in action, love in physical expression. The deeper you go with this and the more you practice you will find that this is the path to enormous capacities of power. Yes, it looks very different than the current heavy–handed approach to getting what you want, to exercising force over other. This power of love experience in the receptive is much greater. To witness and appreciate it requires letting go, clearing and persistence. Softness and easy allowing of life is the runway on which to launch your jet powered flight into the power of love.

What Is Beyond


The meaning of the word beyond in the context of this website can indicate any of the following:

Human consciousness extends far beyond the reaches or access of the human conscious mind. It includes all in the unconscious of each person. The range of this is vast. To indicate realities beyond this points toward spirit beings who are not limited by any physical apparatus such as the human mind, and an endless array of spirit entities all the way back to God. The human mind cannot define, understand or grasp any of these things although they can be experienced.

Living in a physical body is a limited experience in which the perception is somewhat narrowly focused in order to facilitate personal growth along the lines of ascension, that is to say, moving along in consciousness to eventualy achieve God–consciousness and to join God.

What is known and surmised is a product of experience. The human mind may or may not be able to be articulate some experience yet what is experienced can be known by other faculties.

The Love Of God


The love which is beyond description and of which little is truly known in physical life is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow of ascension — the endless quest for God–union. This love is the essence of life and the expression of life in every form. All who are aware of this love sing its praises day and night, into eternity.

This love is attainable while in physical form by the unrelenting pursuit of ascension, through the dark night and ever onward to the abode of God in Paradise. It is attainable now.

Living In Spirit


Living in spirit affords you a great view of life. It allows for an easy and controlled change in focus on life and the manifestation of spirit in form. Things can be seen clearly.

To live in spirit is one of the final stages in the ascension process. Next steps involve spiritualizing the physical apparatus.

Living in spirit is a prelude to God–consciousness.