Spirit Research

Resonance Influences The Mind


The fact that resonance works in the etheric brings up the question 'How does resonance affect the mind?' The influence of resonance on the mind is twofold:

Subtle distortion
It can shift the sequence of signals moving through the mind
It can change the priorities of importance/interest to the observer
Subtle shades of meaning can be blurred by other contents
Openings can be missed
Overt recognition
Loss of place in a long sequence — disorientation
Inability to understand what is moving through

Resonance can have profound affects on the workings of the mind. It is the vehicle of choice for many dark practitioners, some of whom are guns for hire. These affects can be easily defeated by certain methods.

How Resonance Moves The Etheric


Reverberation is the mechanical consequence of resonance in the etheric. This sets up waves of of specific amplitude that move outward in the etheric. These waves carry:

Information about the cause of the resonance
Integrity of the sender
Sender's signature
Trinity origin
Line of descent
Relation to God
Depth of signal
Relevance to the order of things
Creation backing
Clarity of intent
Recall information
Return address
Mode of thought

Traveling on waves of resonance reveals:

  1. Where it is being received
  2. What is being done with/about it
  3. What will come of it

Resonance is one of the most effective means of communication and can be targeted to specific receivers. It is secure and instantaneous.

Resonance In Feeling


Resonance in feeling is a three stage, or three layered, process. The initial stage in resonance is the vibratory motion in the field of feeling. This has a number of affects as a mechanical phenomenon:

  1. Movement in the spirit body
  2. Vibrational response in the auric field
  3. Oscillation in the distant field — the etheric, viz, space.

This purely mechanical disturbance challenges all life forms with movement.

The next layer of this process concerns the receptivity of other. Here, other refers to all of life including all life forms — living organisms. The vibratory movement of feeling through space directly conveys the feeling tone and quality to all living things. Since this is an etheric transmission, the affects are not limited to life on earth. Ether, the etheric, connects all things. Our idea of empty space is actually the etheric, teeming with life and life forms. Everyone and everything registers the vibratory feelings sent forth by resonance of any feeling. In addition, feeling itself is a purely etheric phenomenon.

The third and deepest layer of this process makes vertical connections through the concentric spheres of the incarnation path from the thought of God to the final physical form, the manifestation of the thought, and does the following:

This makes a deeper and stronger connection across the spheres between the originating thought and the form that is resonating the feeling.
Fine tunes
The quality of what is being felt determines how succinctly the thought and form are toned.
The resonated feeling specifically selects from the infinite what is needed and facilitates the transfer to the feeling organism.
The feeling opens doors in the infinite for the specific purposes encoded in the root of the feeling. This root includes the motive and need for the feeling event.
All feeling communication powered by resonance, once it reaches the thought regions in the Godhead are securely sealed for:
  • Secure communication — No one can eavesdrop
  • Preservation — The feeling survives intact and can be archived
  • Registry — The feeling probe will be recorded in God the Supreme, the Divine Mother.



Communion is the state of being in harmony and deep contact with God. It is not so much a movement as it is an abiding. The fullness of self is in intimate and deep, quiet contact with God. The awareness of communion is vibrational and can be felt.

The quality of vibration contains a lot of information. Receiving is the best way to access the information. Inner faculties of vision, knowing and kinesthetics may become active. Communion allows for direct transmission. Receiving can take it all into self.

The art of communion is to soften, let go, penetrate and be.

Probing For Content


The mind has several ways to store and retrieve memories. Sometimes these can become overwhelmed with incoming sensory information resulting in faulty storage. Contents in memory which are not easily found can be accessed in these ways:

Poking around with the intention to find the information.
Feeling to navigate to the information.
Recreating the mental space and movement which were in evidence when the input occurred.
Asking a helper to find the data.

Probing for content becomes necessary during times of duress.

Peace And Its Affects On The Mind


Peace is the cessation of voluntary mental activity by the will. It allows the mind to exist in a restful state and to accurately reflect spirit realities. Peace allows all of life to flow through self with the absence of grasping, defensiveness or reactions. This frees the mind and allows it to rest in its natural state of receptivity.

Peace opens the gates of perception of truth.

Mental Perception


Perceiving reality through the mind is fraught with difficulty during this age of darkness. Several key factors make this challenging:

Competition for supremacy
The constant combativeness in humans creates a whirlwind of negativity in the mind and keeps it in survival mode.
Defensiveness undermines sovereignty and makes the mind difficult to work with.
Thought pollution is a major impediment, both through thought transference and emotional poisoning.
No clear boundaries
With unsettling energies pervading the mental space, it is extremely difficult to define the limits of the mind and its operation.
Invasion by forceful use of will clouds all mental awareness and leads to delusional perception.
The clean and crisp energies of the mental sphere are eroded and swamped by negativity.
Insubstantial anchoring
Inability to hold fast to one's essential vibration causes uncontrollable drifting in the mental sphere.
A clean and sharp imaging ability is defeated by driftless and insubstantial foundations.
The stability required for clear action and perception is made difficult by invasion of troublesome energies of negative intent.
Identity is often polluted by errant energies from others. This distorts the mental capacities.

Deep quiet is a gateway into mental stability and valid perception.

When God Arrives


The arrival of God into human conscious awareness is heralded by any number of signs:

  1. Sleeplessness
  2. Increased energy in the body
  3. Light displays
  4. High–level thought flows.

Energetic displays of light, heat, sound and kinesthetic exhilaration are signals that God–contact is happening. As these flows bring deeper awareness of the Original Source, new phenomena may appear along the way. These include telepathic rapport, intimate visioning and electric control of the physical environment. The journey goes on.

The Path


The path which leads to God–realization has many twists and turns. It is fraught with endless clearing and reorientation to life. It is a journey much like the iron in a blacksmith's forge on its way to becoming a sword. The beginning and the end states are radically different.

Navigation on the path is mostly feeling, inner knowing. It requires patience, determination and surrender.

Millennial Communication


Millenials were born in a time of restlessness in the U.S. culture, like a weather vane which rotates wildly, trying to find any steady wind to register amidst the confusion of dissolving loyalties and uncertain longings.

Their intra–generational connectivity is scattered and chaotic. They are searching for more solidarity among themselves in the hopes that it will give them more stability to be able to successfully deal with the changes which are headed their way.

The primary means for the facilitation, growing and solidifying communication among themselves will be via visioning. This, deeply wired into those of their generation is awaiting discovery. Once found, they will move quickly into the stable and empowered status that they so deeply long for.



Several change patterns are affecting the U.S. population during this time period. One is specific to the millenial generation and two more are affecting the general population. The millenial change pattern concerns the adoption of new ways to communicate among their generation. The other patterns:

  1. Finding truth in the dissolving social matrix
  2. Aligning with inner truth and releasing glamour.